Job Market Communications
Employer Branding as key to successful talent attraction
We offer a total package: analysis, creation, implementation and follow-up.
Understanding values and needsInformation gathering
Employer branding workshop
Employer branding strategy
Developing messages and visualsEmployer Value Proposition (EVP)
Employer Brand Verbal Identity
Employer Brand Visual Identity
Communications planning and executionVisibility and brand awareness
Engagement and consideration
Connection and acquisition
Continuous improvement and adaptationHR Analytics (quantitative)
Onboarding survey (qualitative)
Strategic review sessions
Looking for a communication partner with experience in HR?
Contact Lemento and find out what we can do for you!
“Empowering People” is part of our mission. With over 10 years of experience supporting HR departments, we know what we’re talking about. From attract, to engage to retain. At Lemento, we have built up a special expertise over the years around the intersection of HR and communication. All supported by the right methodology and insights.
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